Tuesday, June 19, 2012

There's Something About Susan

Hi friends

It’s been a while.  A long while.  A lot has happened.  Some of you faithful friends and family out there have walked through this with me and some of you might have no idea what I’m talking about.  I’m ok with that.  What you need to know right now is that I’m taking my first few tentative steps away from the rubble, after spending these last few months trying to dig my way out of it.

This year has been… humbling.  If you were watching my life on a hidden camera, I imagine it would play out like one of those awful Ben Stiller movies where everything goes wrong and you leave the theatre mentally wrestling with the definition of comedy.  This is my life.  I have become Ben Stiller.  Like I said, humbling.

At any rate, I’d like to not give this past year another thought if that is alright with you.  I’m knocking the dust off this old blog here to try and focus on some really great things.  You see, I can cast myself into a Ben Stiller movie all day long and that’s all I’d ever be.  I’m choosing to be something better.  It’s hard, and I’m bad at it.  And while I can pin a lot of that struggle to circumstance beyond my control, I have to give my attitude it’s fair share.  And that, friends, is something I do have control over (ish..).

So get out of my face, Ben Stiller.  I am not you!  I am Matthew Wilder.  Or at the very least, I’m one of his background dancers.  I’m going to need to buy some more bedazzled unitards.  And really, who couldn’t use another bedazzled unitard?

As a side note, I’m not really sure what this song is about.  I watched the video like six times in an attempt to find the true meaning behind it, but I keep getting distracted by the killer dance moves and moustaches.  All I really know about this song is that it’s the one that plays in my head.  And now it’s the one playing in yours!  Your welcome.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

For a Limited Time Only


We all know that raising children is a beautiful gift from God.  Each day is filled with unicorns and rainbows and singing woodland creatures.  Surely every morning, when your child wakes at 9:30 AM, she greets you with a knowing smile that seems to whisper “I love you, O Giver of Life!  Words cannot express my undying gratitude to you.  Also, you are looking rather lovely today with nary a blemish in sight and your hair is really pretty too and have you been working  out?!”

Despite all this joy, sometimes we parents need a break.  Perhaps it is date night.  Maybe you need to make a quick run to the grocery store.  Maybe you are curious how many tanks of gas will get you to the Canadian border.  Whatever the reason, we all find ourselves in this all too familiar bind:  what to do with my child while I’m out?

You could go with the traditional route and call a babysitter, but they can be expensive.  You could entrust your child with a family member, but I ask you… do you really trust your family?
There must be a better solution!

Parents, I give you the Baby Hamper.

 The Baby Hamper is the only method of child care that guarantees that your child is getting enough oxygen…

…because it has holes in it.  But don’t you worry!!

 The holes aren’t big enough for your child to escape.

Going to be out for a few hours?  
Throw some puffs in for sustanence.

Is your kid a sneaky little weasel?  

Put a phone book on top of it.
With the Baby Hamper there is literally nothing you can’t do.  So go out and enjoy your life!  Because the Baby Hamper has parenting...


Get it?  Covered – like the baby is covered by the thing… nevermind.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Baby Feed Thyself

I’m not sure if anyone else has noticed, but time does this weird thing where it just keeps moving forward.  Accordingly, my child is getting older and despite the pain it causes me, she is slowly growing up.  Lately we’ve been incorporating bigger chunks of food into her diet.  She is thrilled by this.  Unfortunately she isn’t very good at it yet.  Keep your eye on the elusive puff…

My sweet little dainty angel.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Does Whatever a SmartyPig Does

Hi, my name is Susan and I’m a save-aholic.  There are certainly worse things to be, but I can’t act like this is not an addiction.  If I had my way, I would squirrel away all our earnings into mutual funds, IRA’s and good old savings accounts.  Luckily my husband understands that we need to purchase things… like food… and diapers.

I can trace the addiction back to my childhood.  My mom, ever the enterprising mother, was trying to teach us about financial responsibility and she started the “Family Bank.”  Instead of giving us cash for allowance, we had a ledger that showed how much money we had in the family bank and we could withdraw if needed.  It really is a genius system and I plan to use it with my children.  One fateful day, something amazing happened.  I did not withdraw my allowance.  The next week, I saw my ledger and low and behold – I had twice as much money!  The more I didn’t withdraw, the more money I had!
Pictured:  3 generations of financial wizardry

Years later I found myself married with a mortgage and other bills and while I was reluctant to go back to my old vice, I knew that with the right help, I could save responsibly.  Unfortunately, saving is only a gateway drug to something far worse…  BUDGETING.  Soon there were late nights spent at the computer.  Six or seven spreadsheets at a time.  My web browser full of financial sites.  I would have pink elephant dreams about Scottrade, Woodforest, Bank of America.  I had hit a new low.

While there is no cure for addictions as deep as this, I have found something that helps.  The website is called SmartyPig (seriously, don’t laugh).  It’s an online bank.  When I first found it, it had an interest rate over 2% for regular, liquid savings and no fees.  The real magic, though is in the system.  You set up accounts for specific goals.  You tell them how much you want to save and when you want to have it by.  They suggest a bi-weekly, semi-monthly or monthly amount to contribute and then you’re done!  It automatically withdraws from your checking and you just sit back and let it happen.

This has truly done wonders to simplify my budgeting (and settle my dependency).  Of course there are bills you will have to pay each month that don’t make sense to “save” for, but I’ve found all kinds of uses for it.  I cancelled our escrow account and set up my own savings for insurance and taxes.  I realized I was just handing my money over to Bank of America to collect interest off it themselves and then mishandle it when it came time to actually pay the bills.  I also save for our car insurance bills.  With our policy you pay significantly less if you pay for six months at a time as opposed to monthly.  I’m saving for a big vacation for our five year anniversary.  I’ve even started a college fund for Little Bit for the time being until I can do my research on long term investing.

In all seriousness, this is a simple way I’ve found to set money aside.  The interest rate has dropped significantly since I started (something about a tanking global economy with apocalyptic financial losses – I don’t know, I wasn’t really paying attention), but it’s still pretty competitive for short term savings.  There are still no fees.

It’s biggest benefit is that it takes some of the sting out of saving money with the automatic transfer.  It may not be for everyone, but I think most people would agree that it’s harder to spend money that isn’t burning a hole in your debit card.

If you’re interested, here is the website or write a comment and I’ll email you a referral (I get a savings bonus for referring people and I’m not too proud to admit it).  I really am weirdly enthusiastic about saving money and I love helping other people do it.  I’m also always on the market for new and lucrative saving opportunities so let me know if you stumble across a gem.

That’s it for now.  I promise not to post too many financial blogs in the future.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Some of you may have noticed that I don't name my loved ones in the blog.  I got the idea from my sister-in-law who creatively code-named her children after nursery rhyme characters (and Huck Finn).  I'm not all that creative - at least not yet, but I do think it's a good idea to keep my family's identities somewhat hidden.  Plus it makes me feel like a spy, so bonus.  At any rate, please don't be offended if i delete or edit your comment if you have named someone in it.  Also know that when I refer to my Little Bit or Little, I mean my daughter; when i refer to my husband, i mean... my husband (I have other nicknames for him, but this is not that kind of blog); and when i refer to Ben, I mean Ben - the dog.  He has given me permission to use his full name:  Sir Bennedict Winstopher Charles III, knighted by the Queen herself.  The III is just for kicks.  It sounds more regal.

And regal he is.

*Picture taken from Halloween when Ben was Jacob from Twilight in wolf form.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Where Have I Been?

I’ll give you a hint – it rhymes with Shmisney World.  Before I go into detail, I must explain that my husband and I are uniquely lucky.  Our daughter has inherited this luck.  I think it is a recessive gene (otherwise there would be a lot more lucky people running around), but it is expressed fully in her.  When our powers combine we are… the luckiest family in the universe.
By luck, I of course mean that we are truly blessed.  In this case, we are blessed by amazing family.  I could devote an entire blog to how incredible our families are (I know – both families.  I told you we were lucky), but alas, that is not what this blog is.  About four weeks ago, my husband’s brother-in-law (try to keep up, we have A LOT of family) asked him if we wanted to go to Disney World.  It has been over ten years since he has been and I think twenty for me (measuring your life in the tens of years makes you feel old).  Needless to say, we have been crazy super stinkin’ excited.
So last Friday all ten of us loaded on a plane and flew to Florida.  Ten, yes ten.  Myself, my husband, my Little Bit, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, Goldi Locks, Bo Peep, Huck Fin, Little Boy Blue, and Miss Muffet (learn more about their adventures on her blog).  We had children ranging from 14 years old to 7 months old.  At first glance, you might think we were a disaster, but in fact, my sister-in-law’s family runs like a well oiled machine.  I’m sure she is laughing to herself reading this, but it is true.  In five days there, we didn’t lose one child!
It is very weird to visit Disney World as a parent as opposed to a child.  We rode the It’s a Small World ride, which in the past was a nightmare of animatronic horrors.  Seeing the ride through my 7-month-old’s eyes turned it into a world of wonders.  She was transfixed.  We rode Dumbo and Peter-Pan with the same fascination.  We found Nemo with the utmost enthusiasm.  We slept through the haunted mansion, unphased (well she did).  It.  Was.  AWESOME!
We also got to spend some quality time with my husband’s family.  The older kids talked me into trying out for the American Idol Experience.  My husband tried out on a whim.  We both got to the third phase where we were pitted against each-other and he beat me in the live show.  In an effort to make me feel better, my brother-in-law asked his 4-year-old, Little Boy Blue if I did well.  He agreed that I did, but added that my husband did “WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better.”  He is lucky he is adorable.
Their oldest, Goldi Locks is a beautifully complicated and complicatedly beautiful young woman.  I got to spend some one on one time with her in the parks and experienced 14-years-old all over again.  I see a lot of myself in her and yet she is so very much her own person.  Most girls her age would be swooning over prince charming, and she was more worried about her pet lizard (or is it a gecko?), Brogan back home.  She has such a unique heart and I love her for that.
Huck Fin is their all-american boy.  This sweet boy is too good for his own good.  He loves my daughter and was always the first to volunteer to hold her while my husband and I went on rides.  I talked to him a little about what he wants to be when he grows up.  Forget the normal answers you’d expect.  The answer I got was a well thought out thesis on the problems and possible solutions for our society.  He wants to be in a position to change the world, but he doesn’t want to be president because there is too much corruption in government and he wouldn’t be able to spend as much time with his family.  By family he means his wife and six children.  He plans to adopt.  This is of course if his football career doesn’t pan out (ok, maybe you would have expected that answer).  He is ten.
Bo-Peep is 12.  She is way cooler than I ever was.  She is on the cutting edge of all the trends.  She is beautiful like her Momma and big sister, and yet she is not too cool for me!  Despite my best efforts, I find myself floundering over on the nerdy side of the spectrum about 86% of the time.  Luckily she meets me over there and makes it cool for me.  Our first day in the parks we had ridden all “baby” rides and finally got to one that had a height limit.  I was stoked and began dancing and singing about going on a real ride.  She easily could have hid her head in shame and acted like she was not with me.  Instead, she joined in the song and dance.  She is the friend I wish I had at 12.
Finally, there is Miss-Muffet.  She is 2 and is the smallest of the crew.  She has never let this keep her from winning a fight.  She and Little Boy Blue are fierce competitors, but are also each other’s favorite person.  To her, food is meant to be worn or scattered on the ground in order to find one’s way back home.  Disney characters are to be loved intensely (as in run full force into the back of them while they are taking pictures with someone else’s family).  And smile means purse your lips and stick out your tongue.  Despite her rough-and-tumble lifestyle, she is so gentle with my Little Bit.  I am so excited to watch them grow up together.
I can’t end this post without mentioning my sweet brother and sister in law.  They are truly the most generous people I have ever known.  We will never be able to repay them, but they would never expect us to.  They do things out of the kindness of their hearts, and happily give to others from the blessings they’ve been given.  It should also be noted that my sister-in-law can change a diaper in 4 seconds flat and will do it without hesitation.  It should be an Olympic event.
So that is where I have been.  Disney World is the most magical place on earth, but it is only made that way through the people there with you.
More pictures to come.  My cameral ran out of batteries so hopefully my Sister-in-law got some good ones!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas Recap

Because I don't have the energy for a full blog post, here are some of my favorite Christmas photos...

 Waiting in line to see Santa, dubious of his improbable reputation.
 Christmas with Mimi and Papa
 In love with Papa, or vice versa.  I can't be certain.
 Quality checking Mima's necklace.
 Cousin Taylor with Aunt Libby (the most beautiful lady in the world).
 Nana and cousin Will.
 Christmas morning, 5:46 AM.
 Christmas morning 5:53AM
Christmas morning, 6:22 AM
 Christmas morning 6:34 AM
 Golf cart ride with Nana, Aunt Erie, and cousin Will.  Picture chosen for the look on Will's face.
Obligatory Santa picture.

All in all, great Christmas.  I wish i had taken more pictures.